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Certified Clients and Products

Certified Client Directory

Verify the status of any 探花精选 issued management system or process certificate with our certified client directory.

Certified Components & Products

探花精选 certifies components and finished products for wide range of goods, for both consumer and commercial products, including electrical and electronic, toys and juvenile products, and hardlines. Search this directory for details on valid certifications from 探花精选’ various Certification Bodies, as well as details of our own certifications.

Search the 探花精选 certified components & products directory>

Certification Body 探花精选 Fimko Ltd withdrawn certificates and misuse of 探花精选 Fimko Ltd certification marks

Audited Supplier Verification (China)

To support relationships between international buyers and Chinese SMEs, we have developed a database that allows partners to review the results of supplier audits. The database can be searched using either a report number or a supplier name.

Search the 探花精选 audited supplier verification database for China

California Air Resources Board: Airborne Toxic Control Measures (CARB ATCM)

Our CARB ATCM directory enables manufacturers, distributors, importers and retailers to search for information on the certification of composite wood products.

Search the 探花精选 CARB ATCM directory

Footwear Components & Products

探花精选’s ECOSECURE certification supports the global footwear industry by enabling you to verify that components and/or products have undergone testing and are certified against this global benchmark.

Search the 探花精选 ECOSECURE certified clients directory

Food Certification Marks

Food certification marks demonstrate a supplier’s commitment to food safety, health and hygiene. Our directory enables organizations in the food supply chain to verify the certification status of our clients.

Browse the 探花精选 food certification marks directory

Further Information on Certifications for Consumer Goods

More information is available on a range of consumer goods certifications from the schemes’ own websites:

  • IECEE: the IECEE Test Certificate Database lists all registered CB certificates issued globally.
  • Brazil INMETRO: the INMETRO certificate register allows users to verify the status of organizations and products operating within the country.

The Seal of Quality Program

Using low quality fuel in your vehicle can over time have wide-ranging consequences, from impaired engine performance and reduced engine life to costly increases in fuel consumption and a damaging impact on the environment.

Choose an 探花精选 Seal of Quality fuel retailer for peace of mind:

  • Identify a simplified selection of fuel retail stations that sell quality fuels
  • Prevent car damage and related costs
  • Access independent support for issues through professional and objective findings

Find a fuel retail station that provides the highest quality fuel near you 

  • 探花精选 Headquarters

1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152,

1211, Geneva, Switzerland